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Petition to control tobacco use by vaping

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The goal: Reduce the number of smokers by providing them with a healthier alternative

The problem: Every year, millions of people worldwide die from smoking-related illnesses and their complications. Cigarettes cause persistent physiological and psychological dependence, which not everyone can cope with. At the same time, many people mistakenly think that only nicotine kills them. A cigarette, while burning, produces extremely toxic substances and resins, which cause diseases, dangerous to humans. States allocate significant funds to promote healthy lifestyles. People should give up bad habits, including smoking. However, most people who decide to quit tobacco return to it. Standard methods of dealing with addiction are ineffective.

The solution: Smoking is a dangerous phenomenon of our time. Fortunately, there is an excellent alternative to tobacco today. It has proven to be highly effective in recent years. I'm talking about vaping. The smoker, switching to vape, gradually reduces the physiological dependence on nicotine and psychological. After all, he continues to relax and get pleasure from the very process of vaping. Vapor store offers a wide range of products. Every person will find something here. Therefore, the number of smokers switching to a safer alternative is increasing every year, but very slowly. It's necessary to convey to the public, including non-smokers, the benefits of using vapes instead of tobacco products.

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