Petition To Ban Scooters From Crawley Skatepark
Humphrey Barker 0

Petition To Ban Scooters From Crawley Skatepark

226 signers. Add your name now!
Humphrey Barker 0 Comments
226 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This is a petition to ban scooters from Crawley Skatepark, the reason this was set up was because of the fact that scooters were originally not allowed in the park but have disobeyed this rule.They have overtime made the park overcrowded and generally not a great place to be when they are around. They annoy every over user group of the park and are often aggressive and always "snake" others. They also ruined this years annual Easter Jam by refusing to leave the park. Lets just get rid of them once and for all!


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