Petition or rather Group Begging for a Pottermore Bellatrix Biography

The families and friends of us Potterheads of old have by now grown used to hearing us shriek like overexcited five year olds (a mere figure of speech, for the five year olds I know are actually far more dignified) whenever J. K. Rowling uploads new original content on Pottermore. We are grateful for every gift we get, and would never dream to actually demand anything from her. The sole intent of this petition is to notify J. K. Rowling of the existence of lots of Potternutters who enjoy Pottermore Villain Biographies , and would particularly love to add a Bellatrix one to the collection, should she be inspired to write more Potter bios in the future. So yes, Jo, if inspiration for a Bellatrix Biography strikes, please do not for a moment believe we Potterheads would not crazy enough to welcome it. That somewhat sinister reminder is the aim of this petition, really...
The fans whom I have met online who have expressed an interest in Bellatrix's backstory are plenty and disparate, comprising the Black Family obsessives, the Slytherin feminists who want more Pottermore info about a Slytherin woman who is not Umbridge because Umbridge does not count, the Helena Bonham Carter superfans who want to use the new canon info to draw a million more glorious fan arts, the Bellamort shippers (guys, it's pointless to hide in the shadows, Jo already knows you exist), the armchair psychologist who would like to know what kind of childhood trauma would make a person become obsessed with a noseless violent psychopath, and so many more. Really, I'm bold enough to claim their numbers might just about compete with those of the Draco fangirls. Or maybe not. No. No Potter demographics could ever top them. But nevermind.
If you are interested, please sign and spread the word. Thank you!