Petition of support for veteran, Michael Wright, to run for political office.

Last election, only 25% of legal-aged voters joined the vote for congress leaders. Texas, my home state, is a red state and a great one, although, there is always room for improvement. I've spent the last 7 years in the military, and I feel like someone who went on a long business trip and came home to find his home ransacked. The way I was raised was "if the house needs painting, paint it, don't sell the house." The mindset I was taught in the military is if one is going to gripe about something, offer a solution; this will often lead to results. Well, these are my solutions: 1. Better veteran transition services governed by the state of Texas, separate from the Veterans Affairs offices. 2, Marijuana prohibition reform. With this, we can produce the revenue we need, IN Texas, without relying on foreign investors to build our roads, and collect money from the toll-ways for 50 years. 3. We do not need more gun control laws, we need more gun education and at younger ages. We need to teach our youth that guns do not kill people, rather, people kill people. 4. We need someone who is not a politician, rather, a public servant. Remember, the people deciding the laws that govern your life actually work for you.