Petition by SEIU-USWW Employees at LBNL
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
We, the undersigned members of SEIU-USWW employed at the LBNL site, speak with one voice when we inform management that the removal of the chairs at Strawberry post and Grizzly post is creating a health concern for us, which is also having a negative effect on employee morale at the site.
Furthermore, it is also a violation of the IWC Wage Order regarding suitable seating.
Proposed Solution: We are requesting a meeting with upper management of Chenega Corporation in an effort to discuss and resolve this issue.
Please write the word "SUPPORT" in the comment box when you sign this petition.
We also request you provide your email address (required) and phone number (optional).
Thank you!