Kevin Corbell 0

Petition for Xfinity Internet & Cable Service

56 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kevin Corbell 0 Comments
56 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

If you are tired of slow or lagging internet from your existing internet service provider, limited data, can’t stream movies or music at your leisure....etc...and would be interested in Cable Internet, Phone, and TV...I am working to get Xfinity Cable extended to the residential communities of Stewart Rd and surrounding area! As we’ve recently experienced with the Covid-19 Pandemic, the need for high speed internet to work from home and allow children to access educational programs is paramount. If you are tired of high data costs, low data limits, and very slow speeds....sign this petition and I will turn it over to the rep I am working with at Xfinity. Thank you and please share with all the families in your area!

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