Christo Varghese 0

Petition for visa approval for Sherlin Raju and Jaedon Robin

35 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Christo Varghese 0 Comments
35 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition is to request the approval of via for Sherlin Raju and Jaedon Robin, wife and son of Pastor Robin C. Roy Pastor of Carmel Prayer Fellowship Houston.

Over the past year or so we have realized that it is extremely difficult for Pastor to serve the church at his full capacity without having his family’s support. The pastor’s wife has a very special role in our church such as leading the worship, ladies’, and kids’ ministry to name a few. Moreover, the pastor’s wife is in a unique position to encourage, pray with, and support the pastor’s ministry. Lacking this support put him under lots of stress and we are concerned that it is affecting his health. Also, our culture prefers that the pastor visit the member houses frequently along with his family. Given that pastor is here currently without his family it is very difficult for him to visit, counsel, and pray with members, especially singles and the young couples who are in desperate need of these services particularly during this pandemic situation.

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