Petition for Responsible Behavior: Flying Horse Metropolitan Districts 2 and 3
By signing our name(s) below, we are expressly requesting the Boards of Directors of Flying Horse Metropolitan Districts (FHMDs) 2 and 3 to:
1. Honor the existing Intergovernmental Agreement between FHMD 1, 2 and 3 and allow FHMD 1 to continue as the sole administrative and operating entity for all FHMDs.
2. Terminate any and all administrative and legal contracts with Charles Wolfersberger and Paul Rufien, as unnecessary and unauthorized expenditures of FHMDs 2 and 3.
3. Immediately remit all O&M Mill Levies collected by FHMD 2 and 3 to FHMD 1 as required by the IGA and the Consolidated Service Plan. FHMD 1 is the sole MD that has a 2023 budget for the administrative and legal activities. Any expenditures by FHMDs 2 and 3 for such items are inappropriate, duplicative and unauthorized.
4. Dismiss the lawsuit initiated by FHMD 3 against FHMD 1 and the Downtown Flying Horse landowners, with prejudice, and not continue to waste our tax dollars on a frivolous lawsuit with no benefit to FHMD 3 tax payers.
5. Work cooperatively with FHMD 1 under the existing IGA and Consolidated Service Plans to continue to make Flying Horse a wonderful investment and place to live, work and recreate.
We are respectful of the time and effort devoted by the Board members of FHMDs 2 and 3 but feel that a spirit of cooperation will serve our collective best interests most effectively and not a spirit of contentiousness and divisiveness.