Reconsider Funding for Padma Bridge Project in Bangladesh

TO: Honorable President The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433, USA. Dated: July 20, 2012 Subject: Unwarranted cancellation of Padma Multipurpose Bridge funding in Bangladesh. Dear Dr. Jim Yong Kim, Please accept my sincere compliments on your undertaking as the President of The World Bank. With sincere optimism, I believe that under your competent leadership, the World Bank will undertake a new-fangled trend which will promote an unadulterated, free, fair, transparent and accountable approach for the development of its member states. I truly believe World Bank need to change its method of approaching sovereign developing nations with deep mutual respect and conduct fair consultation to take note from the ground up not top down. Dr. Kim, I consider World Bank’s decision on terminating Padma Multipurpose Bridge funding in Bangladesh thoroughly failed to grasp the stern end result upon common people of Bangladesh. Socio-economical emancipation of 160 million people of Bangladesh is at risk because of World Bank’s unwarranted decision. This decision need to be reversed for the sake of the people of Bangladesh. It is the World Bank which cancelled the loan agreement therefore I will urge you as the President of this prestigious institution to initiate a fresh consultation with Bangladesh government and bring this stalemate to an end. Corruption must be stopped and we must find a way to bring accountability but presumed corruption alone cannot and shall not be the ground to nullify the development of a country. Being a physician by training, who knows better than you that “To cut off the head is no remedy for the headache.” World Bank’s decision on Padma Bridge loan cancellation precisely attempts to cut the head off to get rid of headache. Dr. Kim, I sincerely hope and demand (1) World Bank reviews the old agreement or open a fresh negotiation to sign a new agreement to fund Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, (2) do not penalize a country and put disgrace on the face of its people until it is proven, (3) World Bank reevaluate the entire matter and lend a hand to Bangladesh government to aid its genuine effort to investigate the charges of corruption. With sincere regards,