Petition for Pacifica Cannabis Rezoning.
I understand that the City Council is considering adopting rules regarding the regulation and location of marijuana related business activity within city limits. These zoning regulations and text amendments (RZ – 197-17 and TA-106- 17) are scheduled to be heard by the City Council on June 25,2017.
By signing below, I indicate my support for reasonable regulations regarding the location of marijuana related businesses within the City of Pacifica. However, the currently proposed zoning regulations and text amendments are overly restrictive and would unreasonably limit where a marijuana related business could operate.
Further, I understand that there are medical marijuana dispensaries already operating within the city of Pacifica and would urge the City Council to work with these currently existing medical marijuana dispensaries to allow their continued operation.
Therefore, I request that the city council to further review these proposed regulations and evaluate opening additional potential commercial properties for the location of a marijuana related businesses.