Petition for Living Donor Tax Deduction

TAX DEDUCTION FOR LIVING DONORS People die every year because of the shortage of kidney and other organs available. Those “Living Donors” that are willing to save someone’s life by donating one of their organs or tissue are just as much a hero as someone who runs into a burning building to rescue someone from injury or death. These heroes receive no pay and have to take 4-6 weeks of off work. For this life saving donation, the hero receives only a thank you. This may place a financial burden on the donor and may in fact discourage other potential donors from helping those in their hour our need. 25 percent of those on the transplant list will not live long enough and survive the wait for a cadaver kidney. These hero’s who out of the goodness of their heart, has recognized this need in our communities and wishes to save some ones life by donating one of their organs. This petition addresses this shortfall and matches the tax benefit that many other states have already being providing the citizens of their states. We the undersigned wish to see that anyone who donates an organ receives a tax deduction/credit to cover costs incurred.