Samuel Shoults 0

Petition for Legislation requiring Vaccines be Labeled as to Whether they include Human Fetal Tissue in their Development or Production.

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Vaccine Development Labs sometimes use Aborted Fetal Tissue in the Development or Production of Vaccines. We the Undersigned want all Vaccines Labeled as to Whether or Not a Vaccine contains any form of Human Tissue, DNA or RNA in any part of the Development or Production of the Vaccine.

We further believe that We Need Legislation to Protect our Religious Freedom to Refuse to Accept any Vaccine Containing Any Form of Human Tissue, DNA or RNA Even if Such Vaccine may Declared or Considered Mandatory by any Level of Government.

We The People Declare our Right to Religious Freedom and Protection from Any Government Overreach in Regards to Our Right to Refuse Any Vaccinations Which Conflict with Our Religious Beliefs.

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