Petition for Immediate removal of Clayton Martin as the AWOA Chapter President: effective immediately.
Adam Everson 0

Petition for Immediate removal of Clayton Martin as the AWOA Chapter President: effective immediately.

21 signers. Add your name now!
Adam Everson 0 Comments
21 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Good afternoon all,

We have come to a crossroads within our chapter that needs to be addressed immediately.

Our sitting president, Clayton Martin, has grossly underperformed, failed to fulfill his leadership duties, and neglects to put the best interest of the Austin chapter first.

He has failed to attend any of three (3)mandatory ON-THE-MAT trainings. He has failed to lead and instruct our chapter in mandatory monthly meetings as outlined in our state bylaws, and continues to shows unprecedented bias and disregard to the future of the AWOA.

Mr Clayton Martin has demonstrated a complete ineptitude and incompetence for the roll of president of the AWOA. He fails to put his members first, follow the bylaws himself, or stand up for our entire chapter when it comes to the placement of regional and state tournament events.

I ask you, today, if you agree that Clayton Martin should step down, effective immediately, as the TWOA President, please sign below.

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