Tim Richards Tennessee 0

Petition for Fayette County School Board

86 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tim Richards Tennessee 0 Comments
86 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the undersigned respectfully request the Fayette County School Board to pursue an immediate end to the “controlled choice plan” which requires transporting children across Fayette County to fill racial quotas. This plan adversely affects many children and families in very predictable ways. Losing our neighborhood schools is traumatizing to children who cannot attend school with the children they have grown up with. In some cases children in the same family are being split from attending school with their brothers and sisters because of this plan.

Losing our neighborhood schools is also damaging to property values and creates an unnecessary burden on parents to get their children to and from school. This plan creates an extreme burden for families with two parents and we have many homes with one parent which only exacerbates the problem in this situation.

Because of the adversity being created listed above and the situations not listed we again respectfully request the Fayette County School Board to enter into conversations/negotiations with the plaintiffs and court to end the “controlled choice plan” immediately and return to pre-existing school boundaries. No child alive today should be forced into what was a bad solution of their grandparent's era. The Supreme Court decided several years ago that neighborhood schools wereConstitutional and we fully expect and demand for our Constitutional rights to be acknowledged and protected by this elected body! (Milliken v. Bradley (a Detroit case), 481 U.S. 717, 741)

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