Petition for Dexter Season 8 Alternate Ending

Dear Showtime, The below petition has been launched in order to vote for a fitting ending to our beloved legendary Dexter series which we (fans) have been following for 8 years. We believe that the ending of Dexter has failed to close what the series have been fighting for all these years. It made no sense at all. People were watching this show to become part of a world where things can be happening in a way which can not happen in real life. We started our trip in point A and somehow, magicly, with all the bumps on the road we managed our way to B. The road is ricky and uncomfortable but we do it anyhow. It’s wrong to believe that all the people watch TV to deepen the knowledge on what we CAN’T reach. Probably the writers of the last episode were unclear about the ending and the meaning of it all. Our hero had no feelings at the beginning, however he have the most powerful urges to kill. The development of our hero has reached a point where love to his son and girlfriend made him a real hero. He never makes mistakes. He reaches his goals anyway. His character makes him not to leave alone his beloved ones to be a wood cutter???? Somwehere hidden… This ending makes it all wrong, ridicilous as pointless. You really believe that there is no hope? Dexter was always about the fact that the Evil gets his punishment. And Good gets the reward. Just like in fairy tales :) We were watching a fairy tale for 8 years, do why is the bad ending? (If we wanted to watch real story then we could have switched the TV to watch breaking bad). Who wants a controversial and negative ending to our fav plot? I believe no one happy how it all ended. That is why we ask you to cover our story with an alternate ending! Which could tell a short story how it would have ended in Dexter’s world. We would hell with this: - Debra gets better, and lives happily ever after with Quinn, Dexter after killing Saxon gets away with his family, Miami Metro is happy about Deb becoming a detective again, happy Cuban music in the background as it started!