Petition for a Professional Code of Conduct for the Baca Grande Property Owners Association

We the Undersigned members of the Baca Grande Property Owners Association, do hereby petition this Code of Conduct be adopted and followed by all Board Members, Volunteers and Employees of the Baca Grande Property Owners Association.
1. Each Member, Volunteer and Employee must sign a document stating they have read, understand and agree to follow the Conflict Resolution Guidelines for Home Owner Association's..
2. No Member, Volunteer or Employee of the Baca Grande Property Owners Association will go onto a member's property unannounced, uninvited or without the Property Owner's permission.
3. No Member, Volunteer or Employee of the Baca Grande Property Owners Association will go near a community member's property, unannounced or uninvited, with the intent of finding violations, coercing or fining the Property Owner for possible violations.
Homeowners should receive a 48 hour notice before any violation or inspection visits. Homeowner should have the option of postponing POA visit for 7-10 days, respecting each homeowner's right to privacy and the quiet enjoyment of their personal property.
4. No Covenant, Guideline or Rule should ever supersede State, Federal and Constitutional Law and NO coercive actions should EVER be undertaken to pressure a Homeowner to NOT exercise their Legal Rights.
5. No Member, Volunteer or Employee of the Baca Grande Property Owners Association will publicly or verbally threaten any Resident with eviction, foreclosure, liens, arrest, removal, lawsuits, imprisonment, confinement, financial harm, physical harm, legal action or harassment.
6. Any persons presiding over a meeting MUST follow the Mediation Guidelines for Conflict Resolution and consult with other members present before taking actions that may be perceived as threatening by a Community Member.
7. Video and audio taping must be allowed at all Baca Grande Property Owners Board Meetings, violation hearings and gatherings to protect all parties and promote ethical conduct.
8. A Complaint Form should be available to Community Members in the event a Volunteer, Board Member or Employee violates this Code of Conduct. If a complaint is submitted, the Volunteer, Employee or Board Member must appear before the Violations Committee at which time it will be determined if they should be admonished, removed or terminated.
9. If any Board member, Volunteer or Employee receives greater than (3) three complaints within a (6) six month period, they must resign, be terminated or accept suspension as determined by the present Baca Grande POA Manager and Committee/Board Members.
10. Every Baca Grande Property Owner Association Employee, Volunteer or Elected Board Member are trusted Community Servants and should conduct themselves as such, adhering to this Professional Code of conduct.
link: Conflict Resolution for Homeowner Associations