Petition for Establishment of the Chinese Communication Studies Division (CCSD)
The past decade has witnessed phenomenal growth of communication-related scholarship concerning China and Chinese people. We had roughly 290 Chinese scholars/students present at the 2016 NCA Convention, and roughly 268 at the NCA’s 2017 Convention. China-related projects have been presented across various divisions, ranging from ancient history and collective memory to contemporary Internet activism, with 52 China-oriented projects presented in 2013, 76 in 2014, 56 in 2015, 48 in 2016, and 49 in 2017. Seeing the rise of scholarly interest in China and Chinese communication, we propose to establish the Chinese Communication Studies Division (CCSD). This new division will examine Chinese communication processes across cultural, political, social, historical, interpersonal, organizational, and global contexts including but not limited to issues within and across Chinese society(ies), Chinese-Americans, sojourning or expatriate communities in China and the US, and their communication with people around the globe. The CCSD will promote creative dialogue, mutual understanding, and innovative practices that are inclusive of all theoretical perspectives, methodological approaches, and emergent communication technologies.
By adding my name and email to this proposal, I support the creation of the CCSD as a new NCA division (your email will only be used for verification of your NCA membership).