Petition for Change in the AFS 2017-2018 Hosted Trip

We, the students of the 2017-2018 AFS exchange program to India, are protesting and appealing for a change in the location of the Annual Optional AFS Hosted Trip which is currently planned for Rajasthan.
Our reason for desiring a locational change is that, at least eight students who would otherwise be interested in the trip have already visited the beautiful site, and additional students will also be visiting with their respective host families in the future. Additionally, there are two students who live in Rajasthan, and have, of course, already seen the locations that have been planned in the itinerary. Because of this, they cannot rationalize spending such a large amount of money to revisit a location, and many of their natural parents will not allow them to spend such a large sum for simply a return visit. This trip is one of the few travel opportunities the majority of the AFS students have been allowed to participate in, as traveling has been made excruciatingly difficult by AFS local chapters, as well as the AFS National Office. The hosted trip is the perfect opportunity for AFS to lead their students in witnessing the extraordinary beauty of India that they could not otherwise see.
We, the students, are requesting that the location be changed to one that will allow the majority of the students to participate, as well as one which will be new for them.
All the signatures included are representing those individuals who support this locational change.