Petition calling for Sandrah Mbekwa and Themba Gumede to be removed as Managers from corporate schemes
Cleopatra Nomtha klip 0

Petition calling for Sandrah Mbekwa and Themba Gumede to be removed as Managers from corporate schemes

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Cleopatra Nomtha klip 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We the undersigned petition for Sandrah Mbekwa and Themba Gumede to be removed from corporate schemes
. Under Sandrah Mbekwa' s leadership corporate schemes has become dysfunctional and toxic
. Sandrah Mbekwa is a bully and we suffer victimisation under her leadership
. She has no compassion and never empathises with people under her leadership, not even in difficult times
. Themba Gumede is displaying unprofessional ism and brings division to the department by showing favouritism amongst co-workers
. Themba is not a good manager as he never makes a decision independently, all his decisions are governed by Sandrah Mbekwa
. Themba never owns up to anything
. Themba has been causing conflict in the department by telling the staff every unfavourable decision has been made by Sandrah, he is acting victimised by this manager, and yet he is feeding the manager misleading information about staff members
Please remove these two managers, we are suffering under their leadership, and this affects our work

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