Jonathan Reading 0

Petition by Admirals Quay Residents

65 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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65 people have signed. Add your voice!
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To: CP Bigwood, Management Company; Allied Developments Ltd, Land Owners

Date: 25 Jan 2016

We, the undersigned, as residents of Admirals Quay, are calling for swift change in the actions of CP Bigwood. CP Bigwood, as the management company for Admirals Quay, have been borderline negligent in their delivery of the services paid for in advance by the residents via service charges.

A multitude of residents have approached CP Bigwood representatives with a range of issues. The vast majority of these requests have either been ignored or addressed with unfulfilled promises. We want the management company to understand that many residents are now extremely unhappy with their service and looking for options to address their dissatisfaction.

Admirals Quay was billed as a world-class residential site with landmark buildings. We have invested in property here based on commitments from Allied Developments to properly maintain the site in return for paying a healthy annual service charge. We all want the experience of living here to match the billing. The undersigned represent a united front to this belief and level of frustration due to lack of delivery of paid services. We are prepared to pursue this situation with whatever means necessary, but would prefer to resolve it quickly with the addressed.

The following list provides a summary of the priority issues that we would like CP Bigwood to address and provide dates for resolution. These dates will be in agreement with the residents’ representatives. We also wish to request a refund of charges for services not rendered in 2015 to all residents by Mar 31st 2016, or to see relevant funds transferred to the reserve fund. See Addendum 1 for full details of services not rendered & outstanding site issues.

  • Poor cleaning standard:
    • Only superficial cleaning regularly takes place, whilst carpet stains on ground floor and lift are rarely, if ever addressed
    • General condition of the common areas throughout the complex: lifts dirty, flooring uneven, walls marked, dirty carpets, work not carried out in a timely fashion
  • Poor communication with residents:
    • Unprofessional and confusing letters and invoices: no due dates, arriving at random times, unclear legal statements
    • Poor/non-existent response to resident emails: no clear answers, extremely rude & unprofessional, unrealized commitments to service issues
    • Zero communication regarding service charge budget: details on budget allocation, spending to-date, unused funds, refunds due
  • Window cleaning not completed or not on schedule:
    • Windows have only been cleaned once since Hawkins completion, not quarterly as stated in contracts
    • Higher floors of Blake have only been cleaned once since opening (or not at all)
    • Poor, incomplete cleaning standard with water seeping into resident units and residual dirt & smears everywhere
  • Poor lift maintenance:
    • Multiple instances of lifts being out of order for up to two months
    • Multiple instances of lifts getting stuck and malfunctioning, causing a safety hazard
  • Entrance Door Blake – Fire Door Hazard:
    • Side entrance door to Blake was originally a turn lock latch door that remained unlocked allowing free access to the building. Door has since been locked from the inside. In either situation the door is not to fire code and in the original situation the door was not safe as it allowed free access
  • Car park entry gates unreliable
  • Entry phones unreliable or not working
  • Fire extinguishers not present on all floors
  • Building aesthetics:
  • Moresby main lobby ceiling light broken
    • Incomplete building status of Blake Building compared to Hawkins and Moresby
    • Mold growth on outdoor common area pavement tiles
    • Carpets in Blake stained and dirty since opening
    • Bollards outside the front of Moresby broken and unsightly
  • Cleaning:
  • Communication:
    • Commence quarterly communication sent via physical newsletter and/or opt-in email newsletter with state of current repairs, property updates, outstanding issues to include, but not limited to:
      • Full accounting of service budget spending to-date & service types rendered
      • Clear invoices for service charges, including line item break down of what fees cover
    • Visibility of CP Bigwood accounts for Blake, Hawkins and Moresby (fees paid, service spend and reserve funds) by residents (or nominated representative group)
  • Window cleaning:
    • Clear plan of action communicated to residents to ensure quarterly window cleaning, with next cleaning completed for all building and windows before 29 February 2016
  • Lift maintenance:
    • Clear plan of action communicated to residents to ensure repairs be addressed within one week of resident requests
  • Refund of charges for services not rendered:
    • Deduct any fees for services not rendered in 2015 from 2016 charges- to include but not limited to:
      • Window Cleaning- 75% of 2015 cleaning fees deducted from 2016 fees or refunded to account for only one of four cleanings completed in 2015
      • General cleaning- 25% of cleaning fee
  • Step 1 – Meeting with Allied Development Ltd management to address issues and recommend alternate service provider
  • Step 2 – Withhold future service charge payments until previous services are provided (or fees refunded via means addressed above)
  • Step 3 – Investigate legal options for the following:
    • Fraud – continuous payments made for services never rendered due to pressure of contractual obligations
    • Right to Manage – if Allied cannot/will not assist in addressing issues

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