Petition Against the Unfair Treatment of President Barack Obama
Cathy Hernandez-Brown 0

Petition Against the Unfair Treatment of President Barack Obama

56 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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Never in the history of our nation has there ever been a President who has endured such mistreatment and disrespect as our current President, Barak Obama. On January 25, 2012, shortly after the President alighted from Air Force One, Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps. The President and the Governor are seen engaging in a conversation when the atmosphere of the conversation suddenly changed. In a widely publicized photo, Republican Governor Brewer is seen pointing her finger in the face of the President of the United States! In an interview on Fox a few hours after the incident, while speaking with Greta Van Susteren, Brewer described the President as "thin-skinned." Brewer is also quoted as saying, “It was [as] though President Obama thought he could lecture me, and I would learn at his knee,” she wrote. “He thinks he can humor me and then get rid of me.” For the past three years, Congress has time and time again done everything in their power to hinder the legislative progress of our current President. From fighting the President on the extension of unemployment benefits to working feverishly to throw Obama-Care in the trash instead of being willing to find a suitable medium by which both parties can agree. On October 11, 2012, Congress proceeded to reject the President's Jobs Bill, which included raising tax on the nation's most wealthiest one percent of Americans. This Jobs Bill would have immediately put people back to work. More than half of the new jobs package consists of tax cuts designed to encourage small-business growth and hiring. The White House said it would put about $1,500 in the pockets of an average family by cutting the employee payroll tax in half in 2012. “The people of this country work hard to meet their responsibilities,” Obama said in an address to a joint session of Congress. “The question tonight is whether we’ll meet ours. The question is whether, in the face of an ongoing national crisis, we can stop the political circus and actually do something to help the economy; whether we can restore some of the fairness and security that has defined this nation since our beginning." The President also followed through on his strategy of trying to paint Republicans as obstructionist, calling them out on taxes saying, "“Everyone here knows that small businesses are where most new jobs begin, and you know that while corporate profits have come roaring back, smaller companies haven’t. So for everyone who speaks so passionately about making life easier for 'job creators,' this plan is for you.” Republicans have claimed that legislation as a failure, while the White House has argued it kept the country out of a second Great Depression. Most Republicans are voting against the President's Jobs Bill because they want their own supporters to stick by their side and vote for them in the upcoming elections. Most Republicans feel that if they vote for the President's Bill, there own constituents will abandoned them come election day. Politics as usual! Time and time again, anything that the President does, he finds opposition from the GOP. They need to grow up, put politics aside, stop the drama, and work with the President to help create a stable economy and the strong nation that we all know is within our reach. We can see it, feel it, and smell it, but the Republicans refuse to let us get close enough to it to taste it. The Republicans were elected by the American people to do a specific job; it's time that they stop whining, crying, and acting like spoiled babies and do the job that the American people elected them to do. On May 4, 2011, President Obama orchestrated the capture of the nation's most notorious terrorist (Osama Bin Laden) who was responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent lives on 9/11 in a bold military operation lead by Navy Seals that will go down in history. The President kept his word, bringing the American soldiers home from Iraq. A few days ago, the President launched another bold military operation lead by the same group of Navy Seals that captured Osama Bin Laden that resulted in the rescue of two hostages held by Somali pirates. This is in no way a comprehensive list of the amazing accomplishments achieved by our President, Barak Obama since he has held office despite the overwhelming opposition that he has faced by the Republicans in Washington. Only when we, as a people, band together to put a stop to the unproductive behavior of our Republican elected officials in Washington, will we be able to make a real difference. When our Republican officials outright refuse to do their job in Washington, it not only hinders the President's ability to effectively do his job, but it negatively affects each and every American citizen in our nation. If you want to see the mistreatment of our President cease; if you want to see a bipartisan unified cooperative relationship in Washington; if you want to enjoy and experience the thriving nation that we know that we can have; and if you want to encourage the Republicans to put party differences aside and do the job that they were elected to do, sign this petition. Your support and involvement is much needed and appreciated!


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