Against facility for "rodeos and other recreational events"

We, the surrounding residents of 3681 Bold Springs Road Monroe GA, do hereby adamantly OPPOSE conditional use for an "event facility (rodeos and other recreational events)" requested by Benjamin and Elsa Juarez - Parcel C0720026B00 - District 5.
This type of venue would attract unwanted noise, lighting, traffic, loitering, littering, and alcohol use (possibly drunk drivers leaving events). The land is very open with a lack of trees surrounding the property, making it impossible to insulate noise and lighting from neighbors. In addition, Bold Springs Road is not conducive for commercial traffic or livestock trailers. This area is filled with elderly drivers and teens learning to drive. The curves in Bold Springs Road are dangerous enough without the added traffic.
We, the citizens of this RESIDENTIAL area, built homes and lives with the desire to live in a quiet community. We have paid a premium for peaceful living in beautiful Walton County. An amusement facility will decrease our property values and hurt the county.
Residents are encouraged to attend the planning meeting to voice concerns:
January 21st, 2021 at 6:00pm
303 S. Hammond Drive, 3rd Floor, Monroe