Petition Against Red Banks Resort, Fremont WI

Mr. Bob Caryl, Owner of Red banks Resort:
I am writing to inform you that I am petitioning against Red Banks Resort, for your offensive and racially discrimative practices against Chinese.
We believe beautiful natural resource of Wisconsin is for everyone's enjoyment, regardless of skin colors. Unfortunately, in your bar and fishing guide business, you constantly discriminated your Chinese customers. On Saturday May 16, 2015, you made offensive racial comments to many Chinese on dock that Chinese are not welcome on your property, and maliciously treated your paid Chinese customers. Your property is a bar business open for general public. We are outraged by your racial prejudice and offensive practice against your Chinese customers.
Unless an immediate public apology is issued, we will participate in boycott against Red Banks Resort in Fremont Wisconsin.
Bob, 红岸酒吧店主: