In Kamloops, B.C., Animal Control Bylaw 34 - 11 states that any person may not have ‘wild animals’ without a permit. They include ALL reptiles and amphibians under this definition. The law was established in 1994 and the reptile community has grown considerably in this time. I want to pursue breeding reptiles as I love the animals and they can make wonderful companions. This is especially true for people who are allergic to pet fur and dander; a pet reptile is the perfect pet for those who may be unable to keep typical four-legged friends. The bylaw needs to change or be clarified, as hundreds of people own reptiles in Kamloops with no knowledge of this law. BC has a prohibited list of dangerous reptiles that restricts and prohibits venomous or giant snakes, crocodiles, and other species, so there is no reason to restrict harmless reptiles in Kamloops. This bylaw needs to be updated, as we all know common pet snake species or captive bred bearded dragons are not “wild” animals. They would not survive in the wild, and have been kept in captivity for decades. If you believe in the value of owning a reptile, from a gecko to a ball python, please sign this petition to keep owning reptiles possible in Kamloops.
If you want the right to own reptiles, comment below your thoughts on how they make great companions! And please share so I can take these signatures to city council AND CHANGE THE BYLAW!