Anne Carson 0

Do you feel like Bio 100 should be evaluated at Hunter College?

716 signers. Add your name now!
Anne Carson 0 Comments
716 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Do you feel like Bio 100 at Hunter College should be seriously evaluated by the Administration? Do you feel like the course is being taught to you in a way that is providing you the necessary information to succeed? Do you feel like the information being presented in lecture is clear, understandable, and similar to what you are actually being tested on? Are you aware that the class average, for the multiple choice portion of Exam 1, was a 59 for 600 students? Are you aware there is no curve? Are you aware that if you did poorly on this exam, your Final Exam is now worth half your grade? Do you believe how you do on one exam is a fair indicator of how well you have learned Biology in 4 months, and 16 Chapters? Do you feel uncomfortable with the grade changes that are occurring mid-semester? Do you think there is a large discrepancy between each section, in regards to the grades for Essay 1/Exam 1? Do you feel like the textbook being used is dense, confusing, and written at a level that is beyond the Freshman course of Biology? Do you feel like you are in a fight to survive this course, versus in a course where you are being taught the material in a way that is accessible to your understanding, tested fairly, and given the tools to succeed? Are you confused as to why there are no practice questions for you, no access to slides, and no indication of what to expect on an exam? Did you walk into the essay portion of Exam 1 knowing the articles quite well, only to find yourself completely baffled by the unnecessary obscurity of the questions you were actually asked to answer? Do you feel like your Professor actually wants you to do well in this course? If any of these questions/concerns strike a chord with you, kindly do yourself, and those sitting around you a favor and sign this petition. Please. You can do it ANONYMOUSLY, if you would like, if it makes you nervous to put your full name anywhere. This course, the grading procedures, the exams, and the professor all need to be evaluated, and this cannot happen without your help. One student cannot present this to the administration and hope for anything beyond a conversation without action. I, in no way, am looking for anyone to lose their job, and I want to be clear about that. This is not malicious, it is pro-active, and hopeful. I merely believe that this entire situation needs to be more closely monitored by those that do have the authority to instill change. The TA's of this course have been our saving grace, but they are not the ones that are required to teach us this material. They do not get paid. They offer their time because they love the material and want us to succeed. They are implemented to HELP us learn and reinforce what we were already due to be taught in class, answer our questions, etc. However, if you feel anything like I do, this line of reasoning is reversed in our current class, and the bulk of our learning is actually coming from the TA's. I am more than willing to send and deliver these signatures to the exact place the need to go, in order to have our voices heard, but I need your help. I have created this petition on-line, versus on paper, to simply allow you to remain anonymous. All you have to do is UNCHECK the box below that states "show my name and email", and neither I, or anyone at Hunter College will know who signed it. You can even add a comment if you have something to say. They will simply know there is a signature there (You can verify this by clicking on "signatures" above). It will take you under five minutes to respond to this and I, along with many others, would appreciate your support. The goal of being in the classroom setting is to learn, not to be weeded out of a freshman course. There is no reason so many of us should feel so discouraged at this point. This is a freshman course: we should feel inspired to learn science, see what we are made of, and be given the tools to proceed to the next step in our education process- whatever that may be. Your transcript is permanent- kindly show your support!


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