Perpich Delta Dormitory Basic Needs
TaQirah Casio 0

Perpich Delta Dormitory Basic Needs

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Perpich Delta Dormitory Basic Needs

TaQirah L. Casio & Chloe E. Marrier

6125 Olson Memorial Hwy, Golden Valley, MN 55422

Perpich Center for Arts Education

Sue Mackert & Administration


It has come to our attention that the quality of living at Perpich Delta Dorms is not up to basic human standards; basic human needs for surviving include air, water, food, and shelter. There are issues to be fixed within all four of these categories to have a proper living space.

Our water supply is unsatisfactory. To elaborate, there is just one community water source, which is available only on the first floor of the dormitory building. All others have not worked since the beginning of this year. Some sinks in our bathrooms do not drain properly, and there is a minimal amount of hot water to shower with, if any.

Most residents do not have transportation for local errands thus relying on the dorm van trips to purchase or acquire food. The van was recently no longer available to us and there was no explanation as to why it was taken away. Administration did nothing to keep the van in our possession either. The only cooking space available to us is an incredibly small kitchenette on the first floor; the one on the second floor has been closed with no reason or notice.

Delta Dormitory was built in 1985, the date of its last major repair unknown. The ceilings in the individual dorm rooms leak, and so do bathroom and common area ceilings. Administration knows about holes where insects and rodents get in but do nothing to fix them. Our wireless internet is subpar, and because of this it makes it hard for residents when many rely on this single network to contact loved ones. Appliances for washing clothes are old and run down, not suitable for daily use. Residents sometimes do not return home for months and must use these appliances to clean clothes and bedding.

Radiators in the building are very unreliable; some work too much and others don’t work at all. This is noticed especially in resident rooms.

We would like to have more working water sources, opportunities for transportation and the ability to acquire food, a sturdy and sealed roof over our heads, a reliable wifi network, and heated resident rooms. Please sign our petition if you believe the basic needs of students should be required for dormitory residents.

Thank you for taking time to read this petition and think about this important matter.

TaQirah L. Casio & Chloe E. Marrier

Perpich Delta Dormitory Residents

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