Perform a Full Forensic Audit on Floyd County’s Election
V M Sutton 0

Perform a Full Forensic Audit on Floyd County’s Election

265 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
V M Sutton 0 Comments
265 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the people of Floyd County, Georgia who sign this petition ask that our general election from November 3, 2020, and our state senator runoff election from January 5, 2021, receive an independent full, forensic audit of all software, ballots, envelopes, and voter rolls used on the day of and during all early voting. We request this audit as a way to ensure the will of the people in our county was correctly presented to the Secretary of State’s office and to identify and fix any irregularities that may have occurred so they never happen again in our elections. This audit should also reveal who had administrative access to our voting equipment, because we want to know if it was Dominion or someone local, and allowing auditors to view the contract between Dominion and Floyd County would help provide this knowledge. Only legal votes should count and no legal vote should disappear or be placed aside to be forgotten from the count.

If any fraud is uncovered, all parties who helped with any process of voting, including the software company should be fully investigated. Only registered voters who reside in Floyd County should be allowed to work in our elections, including counting ballots and reviewing signatures. Also, both Republicans and Democrats should be present when handling and reviewing ballots to keep a check and balance for integrity's sake. We do not believe this was the case during our election process.

We want the forensic audit to be completed by a company not connected to Dominion, Georgia, nor any elected official. We also want something like what is being used in the Maricopa County, Arizona audit.

All parties should welcome this process as a way to provide free and transparent elections in the future of our county, especially if Floyd plans on using Dominion and mass mail-in ballots/drop boxes again. Our goal is to move away from machines and return to paper ballots only.

This petition is not meant to accuse anyone of anything, but after finding ballots not counted during the recount and hearing witness testimony all over the state regarding possible fraud and irregularities, a forensic audit would ease voter's minds. If nothing untoward is found during the forensic audit, great!

Please help spread this petition to your friends and families! Share! Share! Share! Remember, there is power in numbers

Once all signatures are received, this petition will be given to the county and state legislatures.

Please include your full name and address (or at least your zip code) when signing.

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