Percy Arms 0

Percy Arms Hotel Support Group

235 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Percy Arms 0 Comments
235 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

An application for a new premises Licence for the Percy Arms Hotel, Otterburn was submitted to Northumberland County Council on 20th February 2015 by a company called Dark Skies Leisure Ltd.

The Percy Arms is an extremely important part of the community and has been a huge miss since it closed in December 2012. The majority of the village were thrilled to hear the news that a buyer may of been found when this application was submitted and that it would reopen creating jobs, tourism and a centre for our community again.

Northumberland County Council are holding a meeting at 10.00am on 29th April in Otterburn Village Hall regarding this. This is an open meeting but only those who have submitted a view to speak before 21st March can do so.

As we cannot speak at the meeting we would like everyone who supports the application to show this via our petition and we can hopefully show the potential new owners that Otterburn welcomes them and we are a fantastic community.

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