THE PEOPLE\'S AGENDA FOR 2008 We the People want our country back. As Americans, our heritage includes compassion, tolerance, and fairness. We believe all people must be treated with respect, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or economic class. Equal rights and equal opportunity have always been guiding principles of our society. We see our government losing sight of these values. We will no longer be silent. We want an America that stands for peace and social justice. We want a government that is truthful, transparent, and accountable. We want a government that works for all the people. We the People want our President and elected officials to: 1. End the war in Iraq; 2. Reallocate war funds to housing, jobs, health care, the environment, and education; 3. Create a universal, single-payer health care system for all Americans; 4. Develop a sustainable energy policy that substantially reduces global warming; 5. Eliminate poverty, hunger, and homelessness; 6. Restore all Constitutional rights and human rights; 7. Implement a foreign policy based on the rule of law, justice, and human dignity. Name/Affiliation or State* Ed Ciaccio, Moveon LI Janet Egan, Huntington, NY Greg Maney, Hofstra University Sue Donnelly, Code Pink LI Ann Klaeysen, Ethical Humanist Society Jay Grosmark, The Shelter Rock Forum Norma Cohen, The Interfaith Alliance Mary Beth Moore, Leadership Team, Sisters of Charity and Pax Christi LI Martin Melkonian, Hofstra University Michael D\'Innocenzo, Center for Civic Engagement at Hofstra University Thomas Brinson, LI Veterans for Peace, Chapter 138 Nancy Dwyer, Pax Christi LI Vic DeVita, UU Shelter Rock, Andrea Libresco, Hofstra University Stan & Shirley Romaine, Great Neck SANE/Peace Action Margaret Melkonian, LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives Sheila Croke, Pax Christi LI Megan O\'Handley, LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives Peter Bronson, Veterans for Peace, NYC *Affiliation for identification purposes only Please sign online or by email: lipeace2002@yahoo.com