Help Save the Pelham Civic Complex Main Arena
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This petition is to oppose the current proposal to create a firefighter museum in the Pelham Civic Complex main ice arena. Should this proposal be enacted, the Complex will no longer be able to host the events that it currently serves.
Events such as: the University of Alabama hockey games, Pelham High School's graduation ceremony, figure skating competitions (as well as future bids for Regional and Sectional USFSA competitions), the State Volleyball Championships, expo events (such as Marvin's, Home Builders Association, etc.), and the Christmas skating show and tree lighting ceremony will no longer be held at Pelham Civic Complex due to the lack of spectator seating available in the smaller practice arena.
Additionally, public skating sessions, Pelham Youth Hockey League (PYHL), Pelham Skate School classes, Birmingham Adult Hockey Association, Birmingham Area Select Hockey, and events through the Birmingham Figure Skating Club would have to compete for ice time, resulting in an extreme decrease of revenue to the city of Pelham.