Peace in  Anapolice
Ofer Bronchtein 0

Peace in Anapolice

32 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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32 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Leaders of Israeli and Palestinian NGOs who met in Madrid on the 19th of October, agreed upon a common declaration. Your support is important. We welcome any and all interventions and initiatives with the goal of advancing dialogue, relief of suffering and the mutual recognition of self determination which can bring about the end to the Israeli Palestinian conflict In order to encourage the peace supporters in the civil societies of all peoples and communities in the region we should strive towards acceptance and fast (3 years) implementation of initiatives already tabled such as the Saudi Proposal (the Arab League initiative), the Geneva Accords, The Ayalon Nusseibeh initiative and The Taba principals. We call upon the immediate implementation, by all parties, of all signed agreements. Any initiative that disregards or opposes these former agreements or initiatives might reinforce those factions that oppose peace, thus perpetuate the suffering of the peoples of the region, mainly the suffering of the Palestinians. We support the principal of a two state solution and the right of return for Palestinians according to agreed upon decisions. A marshal plan for the middle east: the international community will commit to invest 50 billion euros in the next 5 years, (the cost of 200 days of war in Iraq or 3 years of weapon purchasing by middle eastern governments!!!). We believe than political courage, generosity, humility, and forgiveness are needed to achieve the goal of a just and lasting peace in the region. The International Forum for Peace will booster the activities among civil society organizations to translate political agreements into real reconciliation among peoples. The 2008 program can be seen on our web site. Forum Internacional para la Paz, Forum International pour la Paix, International Forum for Peace.


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