Supporting Dallas Finn for compensation for his work in establishing the peace park

This online petition has been set up to support Dallas Finn, Founder and the driving force behind Bali Peace Park, who for last six years has been working with the Balinese community, Mr Finn has now been left financially ruined due the actions of a number of Australians who over the years have done everything in there power to take him down... I must point out it was Mr Finn who established that there was nite club to be built and had the nite club stopped, it was Dallas who got the Governor of Bali and the Australian of the year Dr Fiona Wood on board to be the patrons and world renowned landscaper designer Made Wijaya to design the park and maintained the relationships within the Balinese community,with no support from Australia. Its about time Dallas was acknowledge and compensated for his work,the reality is you would not be where your at had it not been for Dallas who had vision for the site....against all odds he kept it going ! by signing this petition you support Mr Finn to be properly acknowledge for his work and compensated.