The Students\' Movement to Remove PDEng

We, the undersigned students of the Engineering faculty at the University of Waterloo, would like to petition the Director of Professional Development for Engineering Students (PDEng), Carolyn MacGregor, and the Assistant Director of PDEng, Jeremy Steffler, to consider cancelling this mandatory, distance education course. For the following reasons, we do not believe that this course has affected our workterm placements, university education, and overall preparation for the real-world workforce in a positive manner: 1. Students are less valuable to employers 2. Unneeded stress at the end of the workday 3. Infringement on what is supposed to be our time away from school 4. Assignments that have little to do to develop professionalism 5. Critical reflections that want us to explain how we feel towards a subject instead of doing it 6. Blog entries play off stereotypes and reflecting upon them teaches nothing 7. Graduates of the Engineering faculty have gone on to positively impact the workforce without the support of PDEng 8. Assignments are graded with respect to