Pittsboro-Chapel Hill Fixed Route Transit Service

Petition for Pittsboro-Chapel Hill Fixed Route Transit Service We, the citizens of Chatham County request the establishment of fixed route transit service between Pittsboro and Chapel Hill. Daily regular bus service along the 15/501 corridor with bus stops and park & ride service established in Pittsboro will expand job opportunities for Chatham residents, Public transit will assist those presently commuting between Chapel Hill and Pittsboro with skyrocketing fuel costs. It will create additional markets for our Chatham County merchants by making it easier for Chapel Hill and Carrboro residents to make day trips to Pittsboro on the weekends. Last, but certainly not least, as we grow, raising the bar for transit service will insure Chatham County continues to deserve our reputation as a leader in sustainability efforts. One bus keeps 50 cars off the road. Fewer cars equal less gridlock. Providing transportation alternatives supports growth and prosperity while preserving natural beauty. These two are not mutually exclusive. Please sign here if you are a registered voter in support of this initiative.