An Open Letter To Glenn Beck
Jarrod Cochran 0

An Open Letter To Glenn Beck

92 signers. Add your name now!
Jarrod Cochran 0 Comments
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Dear Glenn,

We need to talk. 

Your recent comments that have attempted to induce fear towards Jesus' message of radical, inclusive love and social justice - and those of us who try daily to follow this message and example - by comparing it and us to Nazism is unacceptable.

Jesus' teachings and example of loving our neighbor as we should love ourselves, loving our enemies - even if it means them killing us as they did him, turning the other cheek, and caring for the poor, the sick, and the imprisoned as if they were God themselves is the very heart of our faith, and unfortunately, antithetical to what you preach every day on your show.

You see, Glenn, the Bible has over three thousand verses that call upon us to care for the poor and impoverished, i.e. - social justice. If we took out all of those verses we would literally have a Bible full of holes.

To tell people to "run" from a church that has "social" or "economic justice" in its website or preached from the pulpit is a sad misunderstanding of the gospel and over 2,000 years of theology. Social justice is integral to Jesus' message; to remove social justice from our faith is to neuter the gospel.

Despite what you may think, we are not Nazis and we really do wish you well and desire to have you join us in our walk towards living in the kingdom of God - which coincides with social and economic justice. We invite you to recant your statement and we also invite you to talk with us about it any time: 

Something to think about.




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