I would pay a network/cable/satellite provider to save my soaps!

This is a Petition to all soaps fans, coming together in unity saying if the networks can't support our soaps we can! This is a petition to show the demand for a paid network that will run all soaps on one channel, ones that have left us already, as well as the ones that will soon leave us if we don't change the way we watch our favorite shows. If we get 1 million to say we would pay a network $20 a month to watch reruns of shows we lost and to continue producing the ones we haven't that is $20,000,000 to continue supporting the shows we still have. When we get a massive number of signatures we will send this to those big television providers to show them we have a demand and if you was smart you would profit off of this=) Fans of AMC,GL,GH,OLTL,ATWT,DOOL, BB, YR, as well as fans of the many other soaps that left us years ago. Let's get a paid channel, built for soap fans of all soaps!