Bring Back Paul Henry or we Boycott TVNZ's Breakfast
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This petition will be sent to TVNZ. Please make sure you have ticked at the bottom of your sign in to display your name, otherwise your signature to this petition means nothing, thank you. Please also refrain from using profanities/bad language as we want TVNZ to take us seriously. Share the link of this petition on your facebook page to spread the word and please click on "email friends":
We ask that you accept Paul Henry's apology, appreciate what he contributes to the show, and listen to what the viewers are saying. Those of us signing this petition are requesting that you ask Paul Henry to return to the show and that you reinstate him as soon as possible. All of us have been committed viewers to the Breakfast Show because of Paul Henry as one of the presenters - and though we also enjoy Pippa we believe he cannot be replaced, and in protest to what has occurred, we will not be watching Breakfast until Paul Henry returns. If Paul Henry takes up another position on an alternative show and channel, we will certainly be watching him there instead.
We believe that the matter should not have become such an issue that Paul felt he had to resign. We also believe that while Paul Henry did need to be pulled up for these comments, the actions taken since then are Political Correctness gone too far.
Paul Henry is an intelligent, entertaining and popular presenter. His hosting Breakfast increased ratings dramatically, so that Sunrise closed due to poor ratings on TV3. He was also voted for the People's Choice Award. He has literally thousands of fans around New Zealand who are in support of his returning to TVNZ's Breakfast. Those fans far outnumber those against him.
You have been concerned about advertisers continuing with the Breakfast Show time slot, however ratings will plummet with Paul Henry leaving the show no doubt affecting your advertisers anyway.
We do not support racism or bigotry or wish for people to be offended, but we accept Paul Henry's apology and would like you to also, and ask that you get behind your most popular presenter as we do.
By the Creator of Facebook Fan Page "Boycott TVNZ Breakfast now that Paul Henry has Resigned"