Cantor/Forbes Thank You Letter
michelle Stanley 0

Cantor/Forbes Thank You Letter

77 signers. Add your name now!
michelle Stanley 0 Comments
77 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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To: Rep. Eric Cantor (VA – 7th) Rep. Randy Forbes (VA- 4th) From: Constituents Dear Rep. Cantor and Rep. Forbes, We are sending this letter to thank you for co-sponsoring HR 870 “Expressing gratitude and appreciation to the individuals and families who participated in the Taxpayer March on Washington on September 12, 2009”. This recognition will show the grass root organization that their work is starting to make a difference. Furthermore, we wish to encourage you to continue to oppose legislation that has massive government spending with over reaching regulations into our freedoms. Sincerely, The Undersigned Patriots


The Richmond Patriots is a group united upon shared principles and values and work to build a community of proud patriotic Americans. A Patriot is any American who takes the responsibilities of American citizenship as seriously as they do the perks of being an American citizen. A Patriot is a person who upholds the Constitution of the United States regardless of religious, personal or political bias. Patriotism is acting out of principle, not out of fear. The greatest display of patriotism, and the best way to honor the patriots who have given us this gift, is to protect and preserve it for future generations to enjoy it as well

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