Patrick Henry-Roanoke High School Graduation 2021
Petition to School Board and City Council
Let the Seniors graduate together!
We, as parents, and a community need to support the Class of 2021. They have survived a year and a half of uncertainty, isolation, and virtual school. When they left high school in March of 2020, they had no idea they would never return to their high school or see some of their school friends ever again. They have had to survive the unthinkable to make it to the end. We need to show them we are proud of their accomplishments, their resilience, their ability to power through many obstacles. We need to celebrate them in person. People supporting people and not virtually. It has been proposed by this petition that PHHS and WFHS make the effort needed to hold graduation in their school's stadium with families/visitors allowed. The graduates could enter the stadium 6 ft apart, wearing cap, gown and mask and sit 6 ft apart on the field. The spectators could have strict staggered entry times and sit in small family groupings 6 ft apart on bleachers and seating around the field. According to the most recent "Forward Virginia" plan stated by our Governor, this could adhere to his outdoor guidelines. If the plan is accepted, it could also give the Senior Class something to look forward to and possibly improve poor attendance and grades, which are currently being addressed unsuccessfully. In signing below, we are supporting in person graduation for high school seniors of RCPS system. We are asking for reinforcement from Roanoke City School Board, as well as community involvement such as City Council to help our Senior Class of 2021 celebrate their high school graduation with their classmates.