Devuelvan a las aves del lago de Aragon

El 21 de octubre de 2008, cerca de 350 Patos y Gansos domesticos Propiedad de la Nacion y que por anios habitaron el Lago del Bosque de San Juan de Aragon, fueron removidos por autoridades del GDF para dar inicio a los trabajos de limpieza y saneamiento del lago. Recientemente, la Direccion General de Zoologicos y Vida Silvestre del GDF, ha informado mediante escrito folio CPR-8322 de fecha 21 de noviembre de 2008, que el Plan Maestro de Infraestructura y Planeacion del Bosque de San Juan de Aragon, NO contempla la reinsercion de las aves al lago, en el que por anios habian vivido. Temiendo que esta acción cree un mal precedente para el resto de las aves que viven y conviven con los visitantes de varios otros parques publicos en nuestra ciudad, te pedimos firmes esta peticion. Porque son nuestras aves, EXIGIMOS a las autoridades del GDF, reintegre a los Patos y Gansos que al Lago del Bosque de San Juan de Aragon, una vez que los trabajos de limpieza y saneamiento del mismo hayan concluido, por ser el Lago su unico y legitimo hogar de las aves. EANGLISH On October 21, 2008, around 350 domestic ducks and geese, which are property of our nation and have inhabited San Juan de Aragon´s forest lake, were removed from there in order to initiate the cleaning and recovery work in that lake. Recently, the "Direccion General de Zoológicos y Vida Silvestre del Gobierno del Distrito Federal" (Mexico City´s Zoo and Wildlife Bureau of Directors) has communicated through a written document (CPR-8322) dated November 21, 2008, that the Master Plan of infrastructure and plantation in San Juan de Aragon´s forest DOES NOT INCLUDE THE RE-INSERTION OF THOSE BIRDS INTO THE LAKE THAT THEY HAVE LIVED IN FOR YEARS. On the other hand, according to certain information we have received, a good part of the birds group is planned to be relocated within someone�s private land with the objective of using them as hunting prays. These birds are property of the Mexican people, thus we STRONGLY DEMAND to Mexico City´s government authorities, that all of the ducks and geese be returned back to the lake where they belong once cleaning and recovery work has been concluded. In an attempt to avoid that this action remains as a precedent for the rest of the birds in other public parks within Mexico City, WE ASK YOU TO SIGN THE PETITION, URGING THE AUTHORITIES OF MEXICO CITY´S GOVERNMENT TO SEND THE DUCKS AND GEESE BACK TO SAN JUAN DE ARAGON´S FOREST LAKE AS THAT LAKE REPRESENTS THEIR MOST LEGITIMATE AND ONLY HOME.