Pathways for Change at Roger Williams University
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

Below are a list of pathways Roger Williams University must take to combat injustice, racism, microaggressions, and bias in our community. Please sign below to show your support and demand for the implementation of these changes in our community.
- Student accountability for first-time aggressions / micro-aggressions
- Slurs result in immediate removal from campus for at least 2 consecutive weekends, and in the immediate removal of individual/individuals from shared dorm spaces
- Repeated aggressions will result in increased and serious consequences, including expulsion
- At least eight hours of social justice service over four years for all students will be required to graduate
- The rule establishing that student organizations cannot donate money directly to charity will be repealed
- Introduction and increase of funding for orgs and clubs that support the existence of people of color and minorities on campus
- Affinity spaces created by the University (such as PEACE, QTRAC, IC) MUST engage in advocacy, and MUST be provided resources/access to transportation
- Administration MUST engage in at least 8 hours of social justice service and learning per semester
- Immediate investigation and consequences for admin/professors who commit aggressions against students of color
- Tenured professors may receive reduced workload, mandatory training conducted by third party race/sensitivity educator, and community service
- Proactive support for people of color and minorities on campus, we are TIRED of this passive approach
- Easily accessible and prominently displayed resources for students of color (i.e. on Hawklink, the RWU website, the Student Senate page, a link in the handbook, etc.) President Miaoulis’s letter did not provide a designated list of resources for students of color
- A change and re-imagining to the CORE curriculum, either through:
- Enforcing a set syllabus for each CORE class, with CORE 101 including the research and study of the contributions of scientists of color, CORE 102 will include how people of color have contributed to the government and democratic systems in our country, CORE 103 would address racism, white supremacy, and structural oppression, and how this affects people of color, 104 would include VARIOUS pieces of literature and philosophical ideas by authors and philosophers of color, and 105 would again include VARIOUS and MULTIPLE artistic creations (such as paintings, drawing, sculpture, music, dance, film, animation, fashion, etc.) by creators of color
- OR through an added class to the CORE curriculum-a CORE 106 that is centered on the topics addressed above, as well as the history of people of color in our state, our country, and globally. It would be specifically aimed at countering the ways history has been deluded by white patriarchy and people of color have been silenced