Create another patch for WWE13! (23.03.2013)

This is a petition for a new patch for WWE13. The game is deemed 'unplayable' by most and is game-breaking. As 2K have acquired the rights to WWE13 and 'fully supports' WWE13, we assume this petition will increase the awareness of how bad the following bugs that need fixed. Many have stated if a patch does not come, WWE14/2K14 will be boycotted. The patch should include. 1-Count Issue Attire-Fix, stories do not work A.I. attempts OMG moments FAR TOO MUCH. Durability Attritbute fix. Any attribute below 60, is still the same as 60-65. Audio bugs. Story Designer sound bugs, dependant on whether entrances are ON or OFF, either Sound Effects but no Crowd Noises will occur, or Crowd Noises and NO Sound Effects Story Designer - wrong Superstar/Diva appearing in a match they were not booked in. Kickout bar too easy to kickout of online. Custom Logos causing game to lock up. Create-A-Finisher doesn't provide enough damage/power to achieve a win. Royal Rumble MODERN ARENA as DEFAULT for Universe Mode.