"Passive Mode" needs a nerf - GTA Online
Hello everyone,
I will start out with sharing my own opinion about GTA 5. It is a great game. It has a lot of options people can do I started playing GTA 5 on PS3 back in the days. In the last gen days everything was very balanced. Passive mode back in the day was very balanced as you could enter it anytime, but once you would hop in a vehicle it would sort of remove passive mode and made you eligible to be harmed by other players. This also occured when entering aerial vehicles and such other vehicles. You could even kill these passive mode players with a firetruck by using the water.
Unfortunatly Rockstar Games decided to "buff" passive mode to avoid griefers in the game by making passive mode players almost completely invincible. They "buffed" passive mode so players with no harm intentions could simply enter passive mode and play the game they wanted it, without any violation. Sadly passive mode is also a VERY great griefing utility. Passive mode requires no skill to activate it, and it causes a lot of frustration when abused against other players. Examples of griefing options with passive mode can be passive toggling. The player would be next to a non passive player. Disable their own passive mode and when the timer hits zero blow their enemy up. These are such cheap and disrespectful actions that are serious griefing in my opinion. It is also possible when entering an aerial vehicle. You simply fly behind your enemy and toggle passive, and it is almost impossible to counter these griefers. I find these actions way more griefing then hydra griefers.
Anyway I make this petition because I feel like you can grief players way more with passive then with any other method in GTA 5. That's why I hope that passive will be just like it was designed on PS3 and XBOX 360. It doesn't need to be removed or anything, just small tweaks such as psycho red players cannot go passive, or a bigger cooldown. Also features from older passive mode where you can see when someone is toggling passive mode. They will be vulnerable for 14 seconds while they are trying to get out of passive and you can easily react to these actions and get your revenge.
I hope you agree with me, regardless of the fact that you are a tryhard, or are into the PvP community (And yes there is one!). I don't only speak for myself here, I speak for a lot of friends and crews that find passive mode frustrating as hell. Also random players that I find in random lobbies complain about passive mode.
I hope that this change will be made possible because then we can enjoy pvp without any game breaking exploits or anything.
Thanks for reading (and hopefully signing)
ItsF4t4l / VForVendxtta