Pass Senate Bill #842 Noise Pollution Control and Abatement Act
Noise Pollution is considered a threat to environmental health. It can lead to many illnesses such as hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance, cognitive decline, and sleep disturbance. Low levels of noise can interfere with activities or concentration and cause chronic stress, Stress that can raise your risk of serious health conditions like weakening your immune system, including heart disease that may eventually lead to a fatal heart attack. as well as lead to male hypogonadism (a condition in which the body doesn't produce enough testosterone). It can affect a child's physical, Cognitive Development, and psychological health as well.
What we truly wish people of the Republic of the Philippines who are a victim of our inconsiderate, law violators, obnoxious, noisy/noise polluters neighbours. Is to have a clear law against NOISE.
We suffer because of too much noise in our neighbourhood. It harms our mental and physical health. Affects our everyday lives, our works, our sleep, rest, our kids study. If those noise polluters are given the rights to make noises that disturb our rest and sleep. Disrupt our work. How about our rights to live in a quiet environment?
This is why we are pleading to all good Honorable Senators and President of the Philippines to please enact this bill into law.