Parliament ​Reform Act of 2018
Amir Janjua 0

Parliament ​Reform Act of 2018

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Amir Janjua 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear/Respected Citizens of


You are requested to read this message and If agree, then please forward this to minimum of twenty people in your contact list; and in turn ask each of them to do likewise.

In three days, most people in Pakistan will have this message.

Every citizen in Pakistan should raise a voice.

Parliament Reform Act of 2018

01. Parliamentarians should NOT get Pension since it is Not employment but Election under People's Representation act, it has no retirement with bar on reemployment but they can get reelected to same position again, .. etc.

02. Parliamentarians pay should be revised in line with Central Pay Commission.

(Currently, they increase/raise their salary arbitrarily by voting for themselves) .

03. Parliamentarians should lose their current health care system and participate in the same health care system as the general public in Pakistan .

04. All concession like free travel, ration, electricity, water, phone bill should be abolished.

(They not only get this concessions but they also regularly increase it - Boldly and Shamelessly.)

05. Parliamentarians with tainted records, criminal charges & convictions, past or present should be summarily banned from the parliament and CONTESTING election on any pretext or the other. Financial Losses incurred due to politicians in office, must be recovered from their , their families' , benamies' , nominees' , properties.

06. Parliamentarians should equally abide by all laws they impose on the general public.

07. No surrender of subsidies like LPG by citizens unless all subsidies available to MPs and MLAs withdrawn including subsidised food in Parliament canteen.

08. Retirement age should be 65 for politicians too.

*Serving in Parliament is an honor, not a lucrative career for looting *

Don't you think it's time to raise this issue?

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