Park Ridge Chamber Supports Economic Development in City Budget

An emergency meeting was held March 9 at 720 Garden Street by the board of directors of the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce to discuss the recent proposed budget cuts by the City of Park Ridge. A motion was unanimously passed to support the retention of the position of Director, Economic Development and to fight the elimination of this very important program that has a proven record of bringing revenue to the City. During the last five years of its existence it has obtained $1,000,000 in grant money; assisted in securing over 40 new retail/restaurant establishments; secured the expansion of 5 businesses; and generated $5,000,000 in “new” tax growth. The biggest benefit to the City is to have an ongoing economic development department that dedicates itself to the exclusive cause of bringing new sources of revenue to Park Ridge, exploring the never ending opportunities of Government grants and having a designated department that does nothing but promote the greatest city in Illinois to CEO’s, small businesses in the process of growing all in cooperation with the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce. All Chamber members and Park Ridge Businesses are invited to join us this Saturday as we present our position at the City Council Budget Meeting around 9:20 a.m. in City Hall. Gail Haller, Executive Director and Secretary of the Board Dave Donovan, President Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce And the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors: Karen Anderson Dental Auxiliary Placement Services Anna Wasyliw Harris Bank Park Ridge Gail Haller, Secretary Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce Jacqueline K. Mathews Rainbow Hospice & Palliative Care John Barrett barrett-TECH Tom Dombro ING Advisors Network Curtis Edlund Larsen and Edlund Linda Hills Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Valerie Niskanen St. Matthew Center for Health Deborah Oberschelp Affordable Interiors Theresa Olson Resurrection Health Care Richard P. Pucci, Sr. Park Ridge Financial Advisors David Sherman Sun-Times Media/Pioneer Press