Park Kyle Busch

Over the course of this season, we have all seen Kyle Busch at his worst. Kyle Busch has been involved in countless incidents on the race track where he has purposely wrecked other drivers he has an issue with. While most NASCAR fans, as my self agree with the "Boys have at it" mentality set forth by you, we also know that safety is a concern. We also know that drivers intentionally wrecking other drivers under caution or after the race is incredibly dangerous. Kyle Busch could have killed Ron Hornaday with that incident. The cars are much safer today, but we all remember Dale Earnhardt and the broken seat-belt. Equipment does fail, and this could have happened tonight. It is unfortunate that we have children racing 3500lb 850hp race cars with professionals. It is unfortunate that Kyle Busch has already gotten away with as much as he has up to this point this year, Kyle clearly lacks good judgment and the ability to conduct himself in a professional manner. We NASCAR fans enjoy aggressive, fun driving. We do not enjoy violent vigilante-ism.
We, the undersigned, do hereby demand, that NASCAR park Kyle Busch for the rest of this season, from all NASCAR sanctioned series, and put him on probation indefinitely, until further notice. We also demand that NASCAR force Kyle Busch to undergo psychiatric evaluation and receive the proper help for his psychological anger problems. Furthermore, we demand that Kyle Busch not be allowed to compete in ANY NASCAR sanctioned event until he passes the psychological evaluation and completes the recommended program for said problems.
Thank You.