Kayla Latusek 0

Parking for ValVista

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kayla Latusek 0 Comments
49 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

It is no secret that a lot of our neighborhood is upset with the restricted parking that we have, and it has now been limited even more due to the City of Gilbert adding more 'No Parking' on Rome St.

Although we cannot do anything about the public road, there should be some leeway with our HOA. We pay to live in this area, yet we have no say when there are real issues.

I believe that we should all be able to come to come to a happy medium and request parking on at least one side of the streets so that emergency vehicles are able to access.

Please, let us help each other out & make our voices heard in a peaceful way!

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