Petition to support Paris Hilton's Sentence
Trish Hall 0

Petition to support Paris Hilton's Sentence

17 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Trish Hall 0 Comments
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To: The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger We believe that Paris Hilton should serve her sentence for repeatedly driving under a license which was suspended for drunk driving. She presents a real danger to others and has demonstrated a flagrant disregard for the law. We are shocked and appalled by her attorney's argument that she did not know that her license was suspended, despite the fact that she had previously been given written warning for doing so. Fortunately, she has not hurt or killed anyone, yet. Paris Hilton is a highly visible celebrity and may be considered a role model by some. Although some people feel "She provides beauty and excitement to (most of) our otherwise mundane lives." (free Paris petition) we, those who feel her sentence is fair, do not require her beauty and excitement to fulfill our lives. Rather, we look for justice in our legal system and safety on our highways.

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