Dear Paris Hilton: We, the People, petition you, to voluntarily withdraw your Petition Drive to the Governator, Arnold Schwartznagger, of the great State of California, to save yourself from having to discharge your debt to society in the form of serving out a county jail time of 45 days. You flagrantly disobey the law. You can't drive your car.. You can hire a driver to drive you around. But you drive yourself around eastward in a westbound lane or southbound in a northbound lane because you can't tell which way the traffic is headed. You are always in a hurry and refuse to obey the speed limits. You drive recklessly at twice or thrice the allowed speed limit endangering the lives of other people and your own life. You have been very lucky. You did not cause accidents and killed people or yourself. You are always drunk because you practically live in bars. Money is no problem to you. You can buy unlimited number of drinks at $10 or $15 or $20 a drink. You probably do not tip the bar tender and probably use the money to buy an additional drink. And then you have to bar hop by driving drunk instead of walking or taking a cab like other law abiding women or men. You have no licence to drive because your license has been suspended because of your driving violations. But it does not matter a bit to you since you consider yourself above the law. You don't think you should be made to have a driving license since you are a multi-millionnaire. Your money has saved you from a jail sentence many times and you were given a probation instead of the jail. Yet you continued to drive without a driving licence in flagrant vilation of driving code inspite of having been repeatedly warned by police to refrain. You consider yourself to be beautiful and you say that police hit on you. Police hit on every girl. Not just you. You probably did not go to jail because the police and probably even the judges, female or male, thought you could get laid by them. So you avoided the jail sentence. You thought you'll never go to jail. But the law caught up with you finally and were ordered to spend 45 days in jail. Your lawyers thought they could appeal and keep you free for a while. But you thought the better way would be to use the people to petition the Governator of California to keep you out of California Jails. That is a shameful act. Other people before you have gone to jail gracefully. Like the Rap star Lil' Kim who spent one year in Jail. The nighty Martha Stewart who spent three months in ail. How about Robert Downey Junior. He gleedully served his time in Jail. there was a Boxing Champ who served his time in Jail and lost his belt because of it. Your family is so greedy. It is constantly striving to earn a few extra millions by paddling interviews to the press. You yourself had your bf paddle your nude videos on web and get the TV to create and air reality show in the form of Simple Life. That was no simple life. May be simple for you. But not for cows and bulls. You terrorized them. You injured the tits of the cows by applying the milking machines on them before the milk started flowing because you did not want to bother about hand working the tits. You injured the dicks of the Bulls to milk their semen. You slipped cold artificial vaginas to them. You shoved your bigfists in to the asses of the cows to artificially inseminate them. Come on girl. What kind of simple life was it. People do not know nothing about tits and dicks and asses. But I know at least a little about them to know you were terrorizing the animals. If you had terrorized dogs ASPCA would have intervened and arrested you. But it knows nothing about milking cows and bulls. So you got away with terrorizing poor animals. But you can't be allowed to terorize the human beings. You have been sentenced to only 45 days in Jail. It will do you good. You'll come out a better woman. You must gleefully go to jail. Show to people that you are brave and can live a really simple life without terrorizing animals. May be you can make a movie about your jail experience and make a few extra million dollars after you come out of jail. Come on, girl, go to Jail and become a better woman like Martha Stewart or Lil' Kim did before you. We are signing this petition to ask you to stop bothering the governator and stop using the people to bother the governator by submitting appeals on your behalf.